Some years ago we decided to make our January event a scavenger hunt at the zoo. We thought the zoo would be mostly empty in the cold, making it more fun for us to be there. Needless to say, the Saturday of the event was one of those unseasonably warm days and everyone decided to go to the zoo. It was so packed there were traffic jams just getting to the parking lots.
Made for a somewhat more complicated day than we had anticipated but in true DCFYI fashion we adapted and made it work. And had fun.
We would be happy for a few unseasonably warm Saturdays this winter as we continue to navigate our way through the pandemic. We are missing some of our pre-pandemic traditions (bowling, games afternoon, Howard basketball) but continuing to adapt and have fun as we stay outside and try to continue monthly events uninterrupted.
Some things don't change - the energy at every event, introducing new teens to the DCFYI community and seeing them begin to build bonds, and watching teens and adults build what can become lasting relationships.
We are excited to be starting this new year in a growth phase - with more new teens, mentors, host families, and Open Table volunteers. We can't wait to see the relationships that result and the impact those relationships have for both DCFYIers and adults.
Maybe you know someone who is looking to get involved, maybe even to adopt a teen. Now would be the perfect time to tell them about DCFYI and invite them to join us!
And if you have thought about getting more involved, maybe 2022 is your year! We look forward to seeing you,
Upcoming Events

Ice Skating
Saturday, January 29.
Hike and Campfire
Saturday, February 19.
All events continue to be outdoors for now.
We are watching covid numbers and vaccination rates to determine whether we should not meet (ie, cancel an event) and when we can safely return to indoor events.
Events are on the DCFYI website calendar.
A Holiday Party Thank You!

In theory it was warm the day of the 2021 holiday party. Turns out cold and sunny beats warm with clouds and breathtaking wind gusts. We still had fun with games, food, presents, and the joy of coming together again as a group.
DCFYI youth were so grateful for the wonderful gifts. So are we. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making the holidays bright!
Some years, we hear from a participant that the party gifts were the only ones they received that year. Let that sink in and you'll know why we take the gift giving so seriously. Thank you for ensuring every DCFYIer gets gifts, and ones we know they want.
Do you know a Social Media Pro?
We are looking for a social media expert to build DCFYI's social media presence, ensuring our ability to find more volunteers and raise the funds to create lasting adult relationships for more teens in foster care.
Please share the RFP; proposals are due January 31.