Family & Youth Initiative creates a supportive community and lasting relationships for teens and young adults who are in or have aged out of foster care.
We connect teens in foster care with adults who become their support systems, ensuring teens have adults to rely on for advice, guidance, affection and a sense of belonging.

welcome to DCFYI

Teens who “age out” of foster care face a much more difficult transition to adulthood than their non-foster care peers. At age 26, more than a third have experienced homelessness; only 6% have completed a two or four-year college; almost half are not working; and nearly 60% of men and 30% of women have been convicted of a crime.

One caring, committed adult in the life of a child in foster care can make all the difference between struggle and success.

Hear from teens how DCFYI has made a difference in their lives:

Connecting teens. Creating families. Changing lives.