What happens?

We do a good job of providing support to DCFYI participants, including those who age out of foster care. Most stay connected with both the larger community and individual adults long into adulthood.

But we worry about some of those who leave us. Teens leave DCFYI for various reasons. Some return to birth family or have an adoptive family. We are always happy when that happens.

Others leave because they don't think they need adult support or more people in their lives. We worry those will remain in foster care until they "age out" to adulthood without support.

The statistics on youth aging out of care tell the story of how difficult that transition can be.

In the last two weeks, two young adults who participated with us when they were much younger got in touch out of the blue. Both aged out of care a few years ago and have not yet landed fully on their feet.

Both had similar stories of housing instability resulting in losing jobs. When they got in touch both were homeless but still focused on finding work and moving forward. They needed immediate support for basics like toiletries, food, interview clothes, and to replace an ID.

It is good to have reconnected with each of them and to be able to offer some help.

And a strong reminder that young people can need support long after they turn twenty-one.

To teens who leave us

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