Youth Speak Out at the CFSA Oversight Hearing

On March 3, DC Council Committee on Human Services Chaired by, Yvette Alexander, Ward 7 council member, held an oversight hearing on the performance of the Children and Family Services Agency (CFSA) for the past year. During the hearing the committee heard testimony from current and former foster youth and advocates. 

Volunteer Capitol Hill

Want to know more about Family & Youth Initiative?

Want to find out about other volunteer opportunities?

DCFYI will be one of  35 non-profit organizations looking for volunteers that will be at Volunteer Capitol Hill 2016 on Saturday April 30, 10 AM to 1 PM.

Come talk to us (and others as well)!

When I Was 18

You don't have to be a football fan to appreciate that the NFL is promoting a Bay Area organization's “When I Was 18″ campaign to raise awareness of the challenges faced by young people who age out of foster care.
