Diamond wants a family

Diamond recently aged out of foster care and now realizes that even though she is legally an adult she really wants to be adopted.

In her own words, Diamond is "very outgoing, open minded, lovable, and has strong opinions." She loves music, animals, and young children and hopes to find a job in a daycare center.

Little Steps to a Complex Problem in a Binary World

An attempted coup d’état in the Philippines which had the violence raging close enough that we could hear the exchange of gunfire with the naked ear followed months later with the first Gulf War was my first experience of violence that affected a society and inspired, within me, a need to make sense of what was going on.  In a vacuum that was television at the time, without the assistance of social media and 24 hour news networks, these conflicts were not as visceral, graphic, or real time as they would be today.

Mentors, Host Parents, Adoptive Parents needed!

Recently, Family & Youth Initiative has received many new teen referrals - teens who are lost in foster care without adult support, even one who is days away from aging out with no real plan in place. We are grateful that social workers (and others) are referring new teens because they see the impact we have on the lives of teens. 

But the reality is that we need more mentors, host families and adoptive families to meet the needs of teens being referred.
