Volunteer Spotlight-Heather

Meet today's volunteer spotlight, Heather! Heather is a long-ago DC transplant and staunch advocate for youth. She helps DCFYI by shuttling kids to DCFYI events and helps in any way needed. She enjoys volunteering for DCFYI because she gets to hang out with great kids and kind adults.

Volunteer Spotlight-Andre

For today's spotlight we are highlighting Andre! Andre is a DCFYI volunteer, writer, entrepreneur, military retiree and art collector. Some of his favorite things about DCFYI are the opportunities to interact with and learn from young people as well as interacting with other members of the DCFYI community.

Volunteer Spotlight-Bill

Today we are spotlighting Bill! Bill has been a volunteer with DCFYI for nearly eight years and enjoys being able to experience events and develop a sense of community with foster teens and other volunteers. After becoming a volunteer he also took on the roles of mentor and Chair of the Program Evaluation Committee. Thank you Bill for being a part of the DCFYI community!


