Why Hamilton is thankful for DCFYI!

Hamilton was once in foster care and now that he’s an adult he still stays in touch!

"The program overall is something to be thankful for. My favorite part would be how the program connects youth with mentors and sometimes even connects mentors with other mentors or connects youth with other youth. You can gain something from each other.

My favorite memory would be giving my speech at one of the DCFYI fundraising events. I spoke about how for me I don’t really have just one mentor because everyone at DCFYFI is my mentor. At different points, someone contributed.

Why Robert is thankful for DCFYI!

Hear from Robert, who joined the DCFYI program when he was just 14 years old!

"My favorite part about DCFYI from when I was younger was definitely making connections that lasted a lifetime, not just with the youth, but with the adults too. As a kid I loved the outings, the fun ones and the educational ones as well.

"My favorite memory is definitely going to see the Lion King when they were on tour and came to the Kennedy Center. I was 14 or 15 and into theater. It really intrigued me and inspired me to want to perform.
