Why Shalini is thankful for DCFYI!

“I have been a part of the program for three years, four years maybe. I was in foster care, but I am currently staying with my dad now out of the system, but I still receive DCFYI services. I have two mentors. Ms. Angie is out of town right now. Mr. Mark has been my other mentor for about a good seven, eight months so that’s good. I have great experiences with Mr. Mark.

Why Dayar is thankful for DCFYI, Part 2

“I'm thankful for DCFYI’s community of support...the DCFYI community helped me do my first college application, first college tour, assisted me in completing my first college degree, supported my second college degree, is my support system as I parent my first child, and finally as I make my first home purchase.”



In honor of Thanksgiving, we are doing a story campaign, “Giving Thanks for Lasting Relationships,” where we highlight what DCFYI youth are thankful for!
