DCFYI Raffle!

The DCFYI 2017 NCAA Final Four Raffle!

  • First prize - weekend for two (airfare included) at the NCAA Final Four tournament (in Phoenix)
  • Second prize - 48" TV
  • Third prize - $150 gift card.

Tickets are just $5.

Tickets available at the DCFYI office or any DCFYI event.

Drawing to be held February 22 at 8 PM at La Tasca restaurant (722 7th Street, NW).

For more information, please contact Dominique (202-863-0975 or Dominique@dcfyi.org).

Thank you for your support

Thank you to everyone who sponsored, supported, and/or joined us for our Establishing Roots fundraiser!

What a fun evening - and our most successful to date, raising almost $61,000 that will allow Family & Youth Initiative to continue to expand and serve more teens in the coming year.

We are especially grateful to the wonderful companies and individuals who served as sponsors for this event and to the generous restaurants that provided a "taste" of their menus.. Thank you!

DCFYI Documentary Wins Film Festival!

DCFYI was truly blessed this past weekend to be one of Stone Soup Films' Doc in a Day mini-documentary subjects.  We were selected a while ago. The filming happened Saturday, with the videographers/documentarians spending time at the Barracks Row Festival, where DCFYI had a booth, and at an event afterwards with our teens.  Executive Director Susan Punnett spoke about the program and the teens, as did long-time volunteer, mentor, and host parent Sarah Buckbee, and an adoptive mom: me!
